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Conservation Force attends and participates in the following conferences as well as other workshops and meetings: 

Founding forum of the American Wildlife Conservation Partners at Boone & Crocket Headquarters in Montana

  • American Wildlife Conservation Partnership (AWCP) - Founding Member

  • African Professional Hunters Association

  • African Safari Club of Florida

  • Alberta Game and Fish Association

  • Annual Assembly of State Legislative Sportsmen's' Caucuses

  • Biodiversity Treaty Conferences

  • CIC (serves on Tropical Game Commission, President of Sustainable Use Commission and member of Executive Council)

  • CITES (Qualified International Observer at COPs, Standing Committee and Animals Committee)

  • Congressional Sportsman's Foundation (Sponsor)

  • Dallas Safari Club and Dallas Ecological Foundation - Supporting Members 

  • Eco-World Congress (Completed)

    John Jackson at CITES COP.

  • Exotic Wildlife Association of Texas

  • Foundation for North American Wild Sheep (FNAWS)

  • Governor's Heritage Conferences (Sponsor & Speaker)

  • Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia (GOABC)

  • Grand Slam/OVIS (Supporting organization of Conservation Force)

  • Houston Safari Club (Supporting organization of Conservation Force)

  • Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency (serve on 4 standing committees including Sustainable Use, International Affairs and Legal Committee)

  • International Foundation for the Conservation of Wildlife (Board Members)

  • International Professional Hunters Association (IPHA)

  • International Sheep Hunters Association (ISHA)

  • International Wildlife Management Congresses, TWS

  • International Wildlife Management Consortium - World Conservation Trust (including 1st and 2nd Symposium on Sustainable Use - speaker)

  • Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries Foundation (Past President and Board Member)

  • IUCN Conferences and Commission meetings (Species Survival Commission and World Congresses; serve on Sustainable Use, African Lion Working Group, Deer Specialist Group and Antelope Specialist Group)

  • Namibian Professional Hunters Association

  • National Taxidermist Association

  • North American Wildlife Conference

  • Outdoor Writers Association of America Conference

  • Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA) - Supporting organization of Conservation Force

  • Safari Club International (Board Member)

  • SHIKAR Safari Club International

  • Texas Think Tank (Served on Steering Committee; Completed)

  • The Wildlife Society Conferences (Past President; serve on many committees)

  • Animal committee meetings of CITES/CITES Conferences of the Parties as a registered NGO

  • African Lion Workshop for West & Central Africa, Douala, Cameroon

  • African Lion Workshop for East & Southern Africa, Randburg, RSA

  • IUCN/London Zoological Society Symposium on Recreational Hunting

  • White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation

  • National Wildlife Refuge Strategy Conference

  • CIC Conferences on Sustainable Hunting and Certification


3240 S. I-10 Service Road W, Suite 200 | Metairie, Louisiana 70001-6911 USA
504.837.1233 office   |  504.837.1145 fax | permits




© 2018 by Conservation Force.



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