Conservation Force attends and participates in the following conferences as well as other workshops and meetings:
Founding forum of the American Wildlife Conservation Partners at Boone & Crocket Headquarters in Montana
American Wildlife Conservation Partnership (AWCP) - Founding Member
African Professional Hunters Association
African Safari Club of Florida
Alberta Game and Fish Association
Annual Assembly of State Legislative Sportsmen's' Caucuses
Biodiversity Treaty Conferences
CIC (serves on Tropical Game Commission, President of Sustainable Use Commission and member of Executive Council)
CITES (Qualified International Observer at COPs, Standing Committee and Animals Committee)
Congressional Sportsman's Foundation (Sponsor)
Dallas Safari Club and Dallas Ecological Foundation - Supporting Members
Eco-World Congress (Completed)
John Jackson at CITES COP.
Exotic Wildlife Association of Texas
Foundation for North American Wild Sheep (FNAWS)
Governor's Heritage Conferences (Sponsor & Speaker)
Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia (GOABC)
Grand Slam/OVIS (Supporting organization of Conservation Force)
Houston Safari Club (Supporting organization of Conservation Force)
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency (serve on 4 standing committees including Sustainable Use, International Affairs and Legal Committee)
International Foundation for the Conservation of Wildlife (Board Members)
International Professional Hunters Association (IPHA)
International Sheep Hunters Association (ISHA)
International Wildlife Management Congresses, TWS
International Wildlife Management Consortium - World Conservation Trust (including 1st and 2nd Symposium on Sustainable Use - speaker)
Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries Foundation (Past President and Board Member)
IUCN Conferences and Commission meetings (Species Survival Commission and World Congresses; serve on Sustainable Use, African Lion Working Group, Deer Specialist Group and Antelope Specialist Group)
Namibian Professional Hunters Association
National Taxidermist Association
North American Wildlife Conference
Outdoor Writers Association of America Conference
Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA) - Supporting organization of Conservation Force
Safari Club International (Board Member)
SHIKAR Safari Club International
Texas Think Tank (Served on Steering Committee; Completed)
The Wildlife Society Conferences (Past President; serve on many committees)
Animal committee meetings of CITES/CITES Conferences of the Parties as a registered NGO
African Lion Workshop for West & Central Africa, Douala, Cameroon
African Lion Workshop for East & Southern Africa, Randburg, RSA
IUCN/London Zoological Society Symposium on Recreational Hunting
White House Conference on Cooperative Conservation
National Wildlife Refuge Strategy Conference
CIC Conferences on Sustainable Hunting and Certification