Hunter Resources
United States Hunter's Resources
04/23/2008 - Air Travel with Black Powder is Absolutely Prohibited: What You Need to Know
02/13/2005 - Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
01/25/2005 - The Right to Hunt, Fish and Trap
01/15/2004 - Another Famous Bear Enthusiast Eaten
08/15/2003 - Wildlife Watchers Are Aging the Most
10/02/2001 - Congressional Caucus Creating Task Forces
10/02/2001 - Old Growth Supports Fewer Species
10/02/2001 - Domestic Violence Law
07/14/2000 - Image Building for Acceptance and Recruitment
International Hunter's Resources
03/18/2005 - Why Wire Snares are Wasteful
02/15/2005 - African Elephant Downlisted to Vulnerable
10/15/2004 - Will Lion Hunting Survive? And More...
08/15/2004 - Case Study of a Man-Eating Lion Killing 35 People
08/15/2004 - Argali Suit Finally Finished: Positive Gains
05/15/2004 - African Lion Targeted
07/07/2003 - Insights From Wildlife Conflict Studies, A Different Perspective For Problem Solving
04/15/2003 - Court Hears Mongolia's Argali Appeal
11/10/2002 - London March to Save Hunting Breaks All Records
04/28/2002 - Zambia Crocodile
Importing Trophies
Africa- Impacts of Trophy Hunting on Lions in East and Southern Africa
USFWS African Lion Trophy Import Page