John Janelli
From the World Conservation Force Bulletin:
Thanks to the energy and hard work of John Janelli, a taxidermy historian and taxidermist from New Jersey, Conservation Force has its first chapter. Not happy with just serving game conservation through raising its value to hunters and rural people alike through quality taxidermy, John Janelli has been a, supporting member, project partner and advisor to Conservation Force for over a decade. Now he wants to raise funds for conservation partnering. The Taxidermists for Conservation chapter/ division is designed to do that and more. It is international in scope. Although John Janelli is one of the named plaintiffs in the New Jersey suit, the chapter is not a party nor need it be. The chapter is about fund-raising for conservation and related education activities. Spearhead John Janelli is the past president of the National Taxidermists Association.
On May 24, 2016 the new chapter dedicated a monument to Carl E. Akeley (“The Father of Taxidermy”) in honor of Akeley’s 150th birthday in Clarendon, New York. It was the culmination of two years of work and planning. The celebration was hosted by the Clarendon Historical Society and had arisen from the celebration of Akeley’s birthday two years before. The turnout is said to have been phenomenal with taxidermists and others from across the country. It included numerous speakers, a 15-gun salute, and music from composer Jerry Goldsmith’s score from the movie “The Ghost and the Darkness.” John Janelli gave a ceremonial speech before he helped unveil the permanent monument, including reading a message from me on behalf of Conservation Force.
Appreciation is owed to all, including the staff and members of the Explorers Club, taxidermy.net, Attorneys Mike Orapallo and Richard R. Capozza of Hiscock & Barclay, LLP, The United Taxidermists Association, National Taxidermists Association, the America Museum of Natural History, Larry and Kathy Bloomquist, Conroe Taxidermist and Michael Simpson, and many others too numerous to list here. The local paper had a great article that can be read at orleanshub.com/ news2016/Akeley-the-famedtaxidermist-from-Clarendoncelebrated-with-new-memorial.htm

John Janelli giving a presentation on Taxidermy