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Lion Conservation in Zambia

Click here for brochure and summary

Lion Conservation in Tanzania

Please see our 2016 Tanzania Hunting Operator Enhancement Report Page. This web page demonstrates enhancement of the African Lion: 

Tanzania Hunting Operator Enhancement Reports 2016


We initiated and are funding the Usangu/TAWICO African Lion Project - a lion status and monitoring program in Tanzania with one of the largest hunting companies in that country and on the continent. 



Lion conservation for West and Central Africa

We were strongly involved in the Workshop for the development of conservation strategies for the lion Panthera leo in West and Central Africa.



Lion Conservation for East and Southern Africa

We were strongly involved in the Workshop for development conservation strategies for the lion Panthera leo in East & Southern Africa. Please see a couple of our works: 


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The Chardonnet Lion Study, 2002

We are the leaders in African lion conservation. We are active funding and administering partners in the Okavango, Botswana lion study, Kruger Park lion study, fund technical workshops and other lion projects throughout Africa. Conservation Force initiated the Chardonnet Lion Study, 2002, which is the most comprehensive study ever undertaken for any large cat. It covers the range and status of lion in all of Africa as well as an all-important chapter entitled Driving Forces.


Pocket Guide to Againg Lions

A Hunter's Guide To Aging Lions in Eastern and Southern Africa

Please see PDF attachment: Pocket Guide to Againg Lions

Lion Conservation in Botswana

Usangu/TAWICO African Lion Project

The RANN-FORCE Botswana Lion Project provides: Sound, state-of the art population estimates; limited selective harvest of post-production males; tolerance for human and livestock losses; value to habitat and prey animals; true value to local people. 


Lion Conservation in Botswana




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The Fate of the African Lion: The Bubye Valley Conservancy Zimbabwe.

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Lion Behavior

FWS Permit Application for Lion Trophy Import (Form 3-200-20). These permits are affected by the New Enhancement Requirement. Please Click Here to download the application.


3240 S. I-10 Service Road W, Suite 200 | Metairie, Louisiana 70001-6911 USA
504.837.1233 office   |  504.837.1145 fax | permits

Please send all physical checks to P.O. Box 7748, Metairie, LA 70010 USA.




© 2018 by Conservation Force.



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