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In the following Notice to Members, the EU Parliament responds to a petitioner who believes trophy hunting is detrimental to wild animal populations. 


"Legal, well regulated trophy hunting programs play an important role in delivering benefits for both wildlife conservation and for the livelihoods and wellbeing of indigenous and local communities living next to wildlife. Ensuring a return of benefits for local communities, certainly in areas where other resources are scarce, creates an incentive for local communities to be willing to live next to wildlife, and to continue to protect these species. This is recognized by competent international bodies (apart from CITES also IUCN2, among others)." 

Please read the Notice below for full details: 

Newly published in Conservation Science and Practice, an Oxford-led study found that the proposed UK Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill could cause more harm than good for the species it is intended to protect. Read the full version here:

Game And Hunt Daily has an excellent webpage debunking common misconceptions and myths regarding trophy hunting with facts establishing how trophy hunting can benefit and support wildlife conservation. You can check out the page below or visit their website at 

Press Release from Dr. Steven L. Kiruswa, a representative of Longido in Tanzania's Parliament. He addresses the need to highlight local voices who are most directly impacted by Human-Wildlife conflict with elephants along the Tanzanian border. 

Conservation Force Board Member Shane Mahoney on panel at CITES Animal Comittee 33, Geneva, July 2024


At the 2024 CITES Plant and Animal Committee in Geneva: the Director General of the Wildlife Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism of Tanzania raises his glass high followed with  a “wish“ that the “relation with Conservation Force be long.”

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John serving on the International Wildlife Conservation Council. Pictured below is Deputy Imani Richard Nkuwi, Deputy Conservator Commissioner-Research and Training of Tanzania, testifying. 

Conservation Force has authored a document addressing agenda item No. 16, Non-Detriment Findings, of Animals Committee 33 to be held in Geneva. Please click the image below to read the document in full. 

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We are excited to announce the addition of Jake Hill to the Conservation Force Team. Jake graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Forestry and Agriculture at Stephen F. Austin State University, and is currently a second year law student at Texas Tech University.

We've also included his post announcing that he has accepted the position of law clerk. We're looking forward to working with Jake this summer and beyond. 

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Trophy hunting undermines conservation, right? Wrong. 

Linked via the image to right is a document detailing why the purposed blanket ban on UK trophy hunting imports would hurt conservation. It covers many of the common misconceptions about trophy hunting and why they are incorrect. It also discusses problems with the bill, the economic impact the bill would have on communities in Southern Africa, and the successes trophy hunting has had for conservation. It finishes by purposing a compromise bill that seeks to satisfy all involved stakeholders.  


Huge thanks to the IPHA for their generous contribution to Conservation Force at their annual meeting during Dallas Safari Club's annual convention.


Pictured from left to right: Rob Kern, President of the IPHA, John J. Jackson III, chairman of Conservation Force, Marco Pani, Consultant and Advisor to Conservation Force, and Chad Hill, Permitting Specialist. 


 Congratulations of a lifetime to Conservation Force's Chairman Mr. John J. Jackson III along with his fellow board member and wife Chrissie Jackson for being the recipients of Dallas Safari Club's Foundation Legacy Award for 2023. Check out what DSC's website has to say about these two crusaders for conservation.

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9/14/23: Conservation Force Board member Chrissie Jackson with Louisiana Senator John Kennedy who has pledged to help with the permitting crisis. 

9/14/2023: Conservation Force Chairman John J. Jackson III along with his wife and board member Chrissie Jackson pictured with West Virginia Senator and Co-Chair of the Congressional Sportsman Caucus Joe Manchin. 

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Members and witnesses of The International Wildlife  Conservation Council, Department of Interior Bldg., Washington, DC.

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07/10/23 Conservation Force Chairman John Jackson III gives a speech at the Eastern and Southern Africa Hippopotamus Workshop


















07/10/23-07/12/23: Conservation Force Chairman John Jackson III participated at the Regional Workshop for the Development of a Southern Africa Regional Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for Hippopotamus in Livingstone, Zambia. 

5/10/21: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has received Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for information related to the import and export of wildlife specimens and flora into and out of the United States contained in the Law Enforcement Management Information System (LEMIS) database.

Notice Pursuant to Executive Order 12600 of Receipt of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); Requests for Wildlife/Flora Import and Export Data stored in LEMIS

03/02/21: Wyoming Game and Fish Department Partners with Conservation Visions’ Wild Harvest Initiative to Examine Benefits of Wild Harvested Food


04/16/21: Read: How Hunting Black Rhino Contributes to Conservation in Namibia, Conservation Frontlines


04/09/21: HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh has died at the age of 99

Not counterintuitive; common sense to those in the know according to Prince Philip:

"If you have a game species, you want it to survive because you want to have some next year - exactly like a farmer. You want to crop it, you don't want to exterminate it. "






















03/17/21 CLN Letter to Governor Lamont, SB 925 An Urgent Appeal to Enable Conservation and Uphold Human Rights in Africa

03/09/21 VIDEO -  Let Africans Decide: A Teacher's Story

02/17/21 Nature is Under Pressure, but Not From Hunting

12/08/20  *UPDATE* 11/25/20  California federal court enjoined California’s legislation against import of alligator skins because it conflicted with and legally was preempted by the USFWS CITES regulations and federal permitting

Amicus Brief

Chief's Directive

10/15/20 Update: Hunting Secures the Most Habitat for Wildlife and Biodiversity Integrity

10/09/20 New and Updated Fact Sheets, Info Graphics and Information Documents

09/30/20 Read: Debunking the Myths: Banning the Import or Export of Hunting Trophies Will Help Wildlife. 


09/23/20 Read: Debunking the Myths: "Trophy Hunting" is a Neo-Colonial Imposition

06/17/20 Most recent Circuit Court Case upholding the case by case / permit by permit procedure for making enhancement and non-detriment findings when necessary before issuance of trophy import permits. 

04/24/20 Conservation Force establishes Emergency African COVID Conservation Fund

01/28/20 Conservation Force hires long time partner of Conservation Force Marco Pani 

























01/23/20 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Changes to the Duck Stamp to Celebrate the Conservation Achievements of Waterfowl Hunters

Press Release

01/17/20  Chris Klineburger has passed away

In Chris' own words:

"The essence of life is discovering what is on the other side of the mountain.

We start out with a dream and are propelled by the challenge of the unknown,

the lure and the mystery of faraway places.

Upon reaching the destination, we realize that there is no end. Distant mountains lie before us; it is time to meditate and give thanks. 

Most of all, we must share with others the delight of God's creation. "

-Chris R. Klineburger, 1927-2020


09/18/19 UPDATE: A Short Summary of Revenue Sharing Systems From Tourist Hunting in Selected African Countries 2019


07/23/19  Conservation Force has been awarded a grant from the Dallas Safari Club Foundation!

07/19/19 View "Voices From the Frontline: Communities and Livelihoods in Botswana"V






05/14/19  DAPU Newsletter


3/29/19 Bill Gaines Presented with Conservationist of the Year Award 

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8/22/18 Please see mini-documentary from Dallas Safari Club Foundation: Africa - The Unheard Voice


"As the debate continues between the anti-hunting community and those who believe in the "Conservation Through Hunting" model, the unheard voice is the rural African who must live among the wild animals. It is these people who are most affected when politics supercedes science in the management of wildlife."

06/28/17 Zimbabwe Elephant Import Permit Appeal to Director of USFWS



11/29/16 President John J. Jackson receives The Coenraad Vermaak Distinguished Service Award

08/26/16 From the GSCO Slam Quest Convention 2016 Review. (Award Photo)

06/09/16 New Jersey passed an illegal law that prohibits residents from importing lion, leopard, rhino and elephant trophies. The two statues signed by Governor Christie: 

977: Prohibits possession, transport, import, export, processing, sale, or shipment of parts and products of certain animal species threatened with extinction.

978: Prohibits possession and transport of parts and products of certain animals at PANYNJ airports and port facilities.

07/06/16 -  USFWS: Near-Total U.S. Ban on African Elephant Ivory Trade Goes into Effect;  A near-total ban on commercial trade of African elephant ivory goes into effect today, July 6, 2016, to help ensure U.S. domestic markets do not contribute to the decline of elephants in the wild. See links below to learn more about what you can do if you own ivory. ​FWS African Elephant Ivory 




02/15/2016 Shane Mahoney Delivers a Powerful Message at Houston Safari Club Convention (Youtube)


02/01/2016 Pre-filled FWS Permit Application for Lion Trophy Import Permits under the New Enhancement Requirement


1. South Africa


2. Zimbabwe


3. Zambia


4. Mozambique


5. Tanzania


02/01/2016 Conservation Force Analysis of New FWS Enhancement Requirement For Lions


01/11/2016 Conservation Force Response in Opposition to Delta Air Lines, Inc.'s Motion to Dismiss Suit over Unlawful Embargo on Big Five Hunting Trophies


01/10/2016 Helpful Articles to Support Sustainable Use


1. Benson Kibonde, Selous Game Reserve: Is There Any Hope for the Future?


2. Kevin Hurley et al., The Role of Hunters in Conservation, Restoration, and Management of North American Wild Sheep


3. Tom P. Moorhouse et al., Conservation and Animal Welfare Implications of the Increasing Demand for Wildlife Tourism


4. Enrico DiMinin et al., Banning Trophy Hunting Will Exacerbate Biodiversity Losses


12/18/2015 Conservation Force Response to Canadian Press Article Regarding the Cancellation of African Hunting Events Show


12/04/2015 Community-Based Natural Resource Management Revenue Sharing from Tourist Safari Hunting


11/30/2015 Anti-hunting Lobbyists Cost Namibia Dearly (New Era Newspaper Namibia)


10/15/2015 Conservation Force and Partners Sue Delta Airlines to End "Big Five" Hunting Trophy Embargo


1. Press Release


2. Copy of Suit


09/16/2015 WWF Position on Trophy Hunting in South Africa


09/14/2015 Draft AWCP letter to major airlines on shipment of legally harvested animals


09/01/2015 Cecil the Lion Fact Sheet


08/13/2015 Longtime Conservation Partner Robin Hurt Warns of Inappropriate Reaction to Cecil Incident


08/11/2015 CF President John Jackson trophy hunting debate in USA Today


08/11/2015 CF President John Jackson live on C-Span fielding calls about big game hunting, Cecil the lion, Walter Palmer, etc.


08/05/2015 New York Daily News Article by John Jackson, President of Conservation Force: Safaris are essential to wildlife conservation and local economy


07/31/2015 Press statement on the illegal hunt of a collared lion in Hwange District on




07/09/2015 Press Release - The EU Becomes a Party to CITES


07/09/2015 Information on the EU ban on the import of elephant hunting trophies from Tanzania, Mozambique and Zimbabwe


05/14/2015 Dande Anti-Poaching Unit (DAPU) First Quarter 2015 Newsletter released


04/30/2015 South African Airways Cargo Places an Embargo on Selected Endangered Species


04/13/2015 Executive Order at the heart of the electronic registration for firearms exporting


04/13/2015 Where and how to register and declare firearms, ammunition, shotguns and shells for temporary foreign travel - from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Website


03/26/2015 FWS Announces Decisions on Import of Sport-Hunted Trophies to Further Conservation of Rhinos and Elephants


1. Press Release


2. Zimbabwe Elephant Suspension Q&A


3. Zimbabwe Elephant March 2015 ESA Enhancement Finding




03/10/2015 Conservation Force has a new corporate sponsor that is also a conservation partner: Ripcord Travel Protection will be partnering with Conservation Force on select conservation and community development projects.


Click image to view brochure.


01/12/2015 VIDEO: The Elephant and the Pauper: The Ivory Debacle


12/16/2014 Final CAMPFIRE Workshop Report (November 2014)


11/10/2014 See what FWS states about the black rhino import permitting.


11/10/2014 See Black Rhino Permit Applications: 1 


10/29/2014 ESA 12-month Finding and Proposal to List all Lion as Threatened


10/07/2014 Success! Markhor Downlisting Federal Register Notice and Press Release


09/28/2014 Conservation Force will be applying for Land Trust Accreditation. Click here to learn more.


08/27/2014 How We Plan to Deal With Rhino Poaching Crisis - Edna Molewa, Environmental Affairs Minister, South Africa


07/23/2014 Service Confirms Suspension of the Import of Elephant Trophies from Zimbabwe


07/23/2014 Wilddlife and Hunting Heritage Council's Letter Recommending an End to the Ban on Elephant Trophy Imports from Zimbabwe and Tanzania


06/13/2014 Conservation Force's Comment Opposing the Interim Suspension of Imports of Elephant Trophies from Zimbabwe


06/12/2014 Letter of Appreciation from Minister Lazaro S. Nyalandu, Tanzania, re: Wildlife Trafficking Conference


201406/05/2014 ESA Endangered Listed Sulaiman Markhor from the Torghar Project are Now Importable! Read the Enhancement Finding.


05/29/2014 Federal Register Notice - Revisions to CITES Regulations Including Definition of "Sport Hunted Trophy"


05/21/2014 USF&WS International Affairs - "What Can I Do With My African Elephant Ivory?"



1. Request for Reconsideration


2. Index of Attachments



1. Press Release


2. Q&A


3. Main FWS Sport-Hunting Trophies Page


4. Email Response from FWS Chief of Permits Tim Van Norman


04/03/2014 VIDEO - Conservation Force President John Jackson Debates IFAW President on DSC Black Rhino Permit Auction on CNN's Piers Morgan


04/02/2014 $50,000 Wild Sheep Foundation Grant to Conservation Force


02/07/2014 Hunting: A Great Debate - Article by John Hanks from November 2013Africa Geographic1


2/20/2013 Letter on Behalf of IUCN's Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group Expressing Support for DSC's Namibian Black Rhino Permit Auction


12/05/2013 FWS Revised Proposed Downlisting Rule for Straight-Horned Markhor


11/22/2013 Letter Regarding DSC Black Rhino Permit Auction from Chairman of the African Rhino Specialist Group of IUCN


08/01/2013 Conservation Force's Final Comment on ESA Status Review of African Lion, 77 FR 70727 (Index here)


07/29/2013 Writ Filed with Supreme Court to Overturn Polar Bear Listing


07/03/2013 Wildlife for the 21st Century - Volume 4 (AWCP)


05/15/2013 Motion to Overturn Equal Allocation of New Mexico Non-resident Licenses for Rocky Mountain and Desert Bighorn Sheep, Oryx and Ib


01/28/2013 Conservation Force's Initial Comment on ESA Status Review of African Lion, 77 FR 70727 (Index here)


12/24/2012 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation - Final Version


12/11/2012 Conservation Force's Trophy Importation Checklist (Updated December 2012)


12/04/2012 Hunting as a Force for Conservation: John Jackson, III ( article)


11/27/2012 90-Day Finding on a Petition to List the African Lion Subspecies as Endangered


11/13/2012 Cheat Sheet - Application Guidelines for Conducting Interstate Commerce and Culling for the Three Antelope


10/12/2012 Article from The Wildlife Professional - A New Forum is Born: Canada's Visionary Wildlife Congress (featuring Shane Mahoney)


10/03/2012 Wood Bison FOIA Suit filed by Conservation Force


08/20/2012 Conservation Force's Opening Appeals Brief for Import of Polar Bear Under the Never Before Used "Enhancement" Section of the MMPA


08/15/2012 Conservation Force's Jacksons to be Honored by DSC


08/08/2012 Joint Plaintiff Final Reply Brief in Appellate Case Challenging the Listing of the Polar Bear


08/07/2012 USF&WS Publishes a Proposed Rule to Reclassify the Straight-Horned Markhor from Endangered to Threatened Under U.S. Endangered Species Act


08/02/2012 Sports Afield magazine interview with John J. Jackson, III


08/02/2012 Petersen's Hunting magazine article on trophy seizures featuring John J. Jackson, III


07/18/2012 The Value of Wildlife Tourism: Perspectives from Sub-Saharan Africa by Conservation Force Board Member Philippe Chardonnet and Sebastien Le Bel


05/17/2012 Our Opening Brief in Markhor II to Overturn Denial of Suleiman Markhor Import Denials


05/03/2012 Conservation Force's Comment on Revision of Regulations Implementing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)


05/03/2012 Downlisting Success: Reclassifying the Wood Bison Under the Endangered Species Act as Threatened Throughout its Range


04/30/2012 CIC President Bernard Lozé: "Banning Lion Hunting Endangers the Survival of Lions in the Wild!"


04/30/2012 Statement on Hunting in Botswana - March 2012 (from Botswana Wildlife Management Association)


04/02/2012 Our 60-page Brief on Markhor I. The brief tries to save the first downlisting petition filed by Naseer Tareen and get an injunction for better permit processing practices.


The relevant regulations.


04/02/2012 Historic Court Decision in Favor of Wood Bison Import Permits


03/08/2012 Revision of Regulations Implementing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES); Updates Following the Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties



02/27/2012 FWS Bulletin on Seizure Crisis Issue


02/15/2012 Report: The Significance of African Lions for the Financial Vialbility of Trophy Hunting and the Maintenance of Wild Land


01/30/2012 FWS guidelines on how to complete CBW and Take permit applications for listed exotics


.01/16/2012 Writ filed with U.S. Supreme Court concerning trophy seizure crisis.



11/09/2011Markhor III Suit Filed for Failure to Make 12-month Finding on 2nd Petition to Downlist


08/09/2011 Antis File Suit to End Captive Breeding


08/05/2011 Conservation Force's Comment on Proposed Elimination of Special Rule for Scimitar-Horned Oryx, Addax and Dama Gazelle


07/12/2011 Memorandum Opinion published in Polar Bear suit


06/15/2011 90-Day Finding on a Petition to Reclassify the Straight-Horned Markhor (Capra falconeri jerdoni) of Torghar Hills as Threatened


06/15/2011 Study of the Lion Population in Tanzania: Their Abundance, Density and Ecology


03/18/2011 Conservation Force/CONAMAR/Tropic Star Lodge Newsletter for January/February 2011


02/21/2011 From the Sports Afield Almanac - A Rash of Seizures of Legal Hunting Trophies Sparks Concern


02/18/2011Wood Bison Downlisting Federal Register Notice


02/18/2011 CBD Suit to Ban Lead


11/16/2010 Conservation Status of the Lion (Panthera leo Linnaeus, 1758) in Tanzania


11/08/2010 Conservation Force's Save and Help Rebuild the Piñas Community Program launched




09/10/2010 Iran: Legality of Hunting by U.S. Citizens under Presidential Embargo


08/17/2010 Petition to Downlist Straight-Horned Markhor of Torghar Hills from Endangered to Threatened.


07/01/2010 Court grants CF's motion to amend the Zambia elephant complaint to add Jack Atcheson and to challenge the permit denials.


06/24/2010 Second Wood Bison lawsuit filed.


05/27/2010 WFSA 2010 World Symposium on the Ecologic and Economic Benefits of Hunting (EEBH) 400-page publication now online.


04/29/2010 New York crafted trophy case brief.


04/27/2010 Another legal brief to save a scrimshawed ivory trophy seized in Atlanta.


04/22/2010 Panel of Experts Report on Zambia


04/22/2010 Panel of Experts Report on Tanzania


03/04/2010 Polar Bear Brief on "Taking Into Account" Foreign Nations' Programs When Making a Listing Decision


02/26/2010 Conservation Force's Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment in African lion trophy suit


02/15/2010 Mongolian Argali Population Trend 2002-2009 with Reference to Sustainable Use Management by Michael Frisina, Baigalmaa Purevsuren and R. Margaret Frisina


02/12/2010 Amended Complaint in Mozambique Elephant Suit



12/08/2009 Robin Hurt Wildlife Foundation December 2009 Newsletter


11/04/2009 Achievements and Practical Lessons Learned From a Decade of Wildlife Utilization in Namibia's Communal Area Conservancies by Chris Weaver, Theunis Petersen, Richard Diggle & Greenwell Matongo


10/22/2009 Conservation Force, et al. Joint Motion for Summary Judgment


10/22/2009 Conservation Force's Motion for Summary Judgment in the Wood Bison lawsuit


10/22/2009 Conservation Force's Zambia Elephant lawsuit


05/22/2009 Spot Survey Report on Argali Numbers in Mongolia. Credit is due to Grand Slam/OVIS for sponsoring the survey.


05/20/2009 Conservation Force lawsuit filed over the denial of Mozambique elephant trophy imports


05/20/2009 Conservation Force lawsuit filed over the denial of polar bear enhancement permits


03/18/2009 Response to USF&WS Denial Letter of Seven Polar Bear Permits by Dr. Mitchell Taylor, Included in Request for Reconsideration


03/18/2009 Conservation Force's Request for Reconsideration of Seven Polar Bear Permits


03/16/2009 Conservation Force's lawsuit to stop the unlawful seizure and forfeiture practices of the USF&WS for minor typographical/technical errors.


03/16/2009 Conservation Force's Suleiman Markhor lawsuit filed (Case No. 09 0495 - Judge Henry Kennedy)


02/18/2009 Robin Hurt Wildlife Foundation Emergency Funding Request


02/18/2009 Robin Hurt Wildlife Foundation 2009 Brochure


02/18/2009 Robin Hurt Wildlife Foundation December 2008 Newsletter


02/10/2009 Conservation Force's Suit Challenging the Listing of All Polar Bear, Case No. 1:09-CV-00245, filed 2/9/2009 in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, before Judge Emmet G. Sullivan.


01/15/2009 Recreational Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Plan (as directed by Executive Order 13443) is released.


01/15/2009 USF&WS Guidance on In-Transit Permitting of Hunting Trophies



12/17/2008 Robin Hurt Wildlife Foundation December 2008 Newsletter


10/31/2008 Conservation Force files Petition to Revise Regulation and for Suspension of 50 CFR 23.22(c)(1) - shipment requirements for in-transit shipment


10/08/2008 Press Release - Importation of Markhor


09/30/2008 Conservation Force Files Notice of Intent to Sue Over the ESA Polar Bear Listing and Related Trophy Importation Regulations


08/12/2008 Polar Bear Enhancement Permits Filed



05/23/2008 Conservation Force Leaders Recognized


04/04/2008 Air Travel with Black Powder is Absolutely Prohibited: What You Need to Know


03/15/2008 Breaking News on Argali


11/28/2007 NAPHA Conservationist of the Year Award


08/16/2007 White House Orders National Hunting Conference


06/02/2007 Press Release: Three Alarming Surprises for the World Hunting Community



04/25/2007 SUSG Recreational Hunting Workshop Report


04/05/2007 Comment in Opposition to the Proposed Rule to List All Polar Bear as Threatened and other Polar Bear Issues



02/15/2007 Critical Conservation Program Under Fire - by Ducks Unlimited


02/08/2007 Mozambique Elephant Trophy Import Appeals


12/27/2006 Proposed Rule to List Polar Bear as Endangered is Released


12/04/2006 End-of-the-Year Letter


10/06/2006 Conservation Leader Bertrand des Clers Dies


10/06/2006 Gala Dinner for Tanzania


09/16/2006 King of Altai Monument Unveiled MONUMENT


04/24/2006 The Truth About That Polar Bear Petition Polar bear page


04/20/2006 The Real Significance if Polar Bear are Listed polar bear page


03/23/2006 Polar Bear Crisis is Growing polar bear page


02/15/2006 Protectionists File Suit to List All Polar Bear Under the Endangered Species Actere Polar bear page

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